Bonus for being a parent
Bonus for being a parent
I think every much educated person knows that the Nobel Prize is one of the highest possible awards for achievements in natural sciences, also in medicine. During its 110 years of existence, it has been received by many distinguished scientists for many truly significant and outstanding discoveries that have changed people’s lives beyond recognition. A lot of them have also had a significant impact on the development of my specialty, especially the discoveries in medicine and physiology. This time, however, I would like to highlight the last year 2010, when a very deserved “star hour” came to Dr. Robert G. Edwards for his contribution to the research and development of artificial insemination. It’s Dr. Edwards can be grateful to the thousands of parents around the world who, thanks to his open technology, have fulfilled their dreams and can open their eyes with joy and happiness in the genuine smiles of their babies and cuddle them in both joy and sorrow.
It’s been more than 30 years since Dr. Edwards’ first “test tube” girl, Louise Brown. However, reproductive technologies are still not perceived unequivocally in the world. There are many who desperately oppose it and try to prove satan’s presence in the work of doctors. However, let us be honest, only those who have not been facing the harsh choices themselves can think and speak like this. 30 years of experience with a great many thousands of children around the world convincingly proves that “test tube” children are no different from “ordinary”.
These methods are also no strangers in Latvia and since the first attempts, which resulted in the birth of babies here in Riga in 1997, both Dr. V.Lejiņš and dr. G.Treijs and other colleagues have allowed many couples to experience parental happiness. Unfortunately, in Latvia, when thinking about reproductive technologies, we automatically think – serious financial resources, because all procedures depend only on the solvency of the patients themselves. However, if you can’t get happiness to be a parent for free, but you can buy it for money, I guess there’s no more blessed job than being the bearer of that happiness. Thank you Dr. Edwards for this miracle!
author: Dr. D.Baranovska.