Sincere conversations
Sincere conversations
Modern technology has changed everything. Instead of pigeons, SMS and emails fly through the air. The goose feather has been replaced by a wireless keyboard. From the cherry-wood desk, we’re on the couch with an i-pad on our lap. One click google replaces libraries, books, magazines and even questions for fellow human beings. It is only natural that person spends most of his time on social networks, chats and blogs.
And yet just almost everything. We still want to talk to someone every now and then. Sometimes we even physically need a conversation with a fellow human being. Let it remain up to psychologists and psychotherapists how much trouble not talking causes in human relationships. Or, on the contrary, how many problems do not arise or are quite easy to solve if we talk about it.
I wanted to talk about something else. How often do you talk to a doctor? And not just about what hurts, stabs or pulls, how long you cough, vomit or bleed. I am often struck by how hasty women are. Even when they come to the doctor with huge health problems, they try to get away as soon as possible. As if the main thing was to get some kind of recipe in your hand that will solve absolutely everything. But how often the drug is not needed at all. Perhaps my colleagues working in resuscitation departments have different thoughts about their patients, but women need to talk. The view of health problems is quite different if the adversable issue is pronounced crosswise. And if the conversation still throws larger circles through life’s wrongdoings and relationship complications, the disease also unfolds on other levels, sometimes offering completely unexpected and surprising solutions to health problems. It’s going to be noticed by those who let the conversation go. Together, we are trying to understand not only what to do next. Much more important is where the disease comes from and how to eliminate the causes rather than the consequences. Fortunately, gynaecologists have the advantage of seeing healthy and happy women often enough. And we sincerely strive to have more and more of them.
You will say that there are not always problems, there is not always anything to complain about and where to dig. As once, these are perhaps even better times for talking to your doctor than when something hurts. It is not for nothing that there is a story about your hairdresser, seamstress, dentist and gynecologist. And if it’s your doctor, then you’ll always have something to talk about – about illness, health and life as such.
May you have someone to talk to each one. And be sure to have a doctor like that.